Terapia Gestalt en Madrid Gestalt therapy in Madrid
                     Terapia Gestalt en Madrid                                    Gestalt therapy in Madrid                                            

The Gestalt method

Individual therapy generally takes place once a week in a 50 minute session.  We work with the person's experience, with what happens in his or her life in that moment.  The number of sessions and/or the periods of work are determined by each process.  


As opposed to the clinical method, the Gestalt method consists in working with what is there, how it is presented  and just as it presents, avoiding, as much as possible, judgments or interpretations, and spare the analyzing of causes as well as diagnose labels or any other kind of pre judgements. The roles between therapist and client are clearly complimentary, none of the interlocutors is more or better, or bigger than the other. The therapist takes more the place of an companion than guide. Is the client the one who has to discover what he or she needs and learn what is convenient for him or her, the therapist knows better -how-, but not -what- better than the client.  (Terapia Gestalt una guía de trabajo, Francisco Sánchez). 


Gestalt therapy helps to unblock and show new realities, ideas and neuronal connections, new ways. We all have a tendency to be well and have inner resources and strength to achieve what we want. The therapist helps you to clean communication channels that obstructs comprehension among family members, friends, partners, etc.  The therapist acts in a human way and not as an unreachable authority.  The therapist is an ally to flow efficiently in life, taking your thoughts to conscience trough words and looking for your true identity, dissolving pre conceived ideas and have a proper, healthy self image.  


The Gestalt therapist will help you if you find yourself in a difficult moment, personal crisis, difficulty with relationships, family, work, stress, bereavement, emotional loss, depression, prolonged sadness, loneliness feelings, violence, aggressiveness, anxiety, low self esteem, dissatisfaction, fear, desperation or any other situation that causes anguish or suffering,  a feeling of discomfort with or without an evident cause. 



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